Register Today to Walk to Help Cure, Treat and Prevent T1D!!
in General
Together with our community, sponsors and donors; last year’s Breakthrough T1D Walk to Cure Diabetes was an amazing success! TheDesert Southwest Chapterraised nearly $2 million to help accelerate progress on the most promising opportunities for curing, better treating, and preventing type 1 diabetes (T1D). Walk day was filled with food, fun, and a generous showing of support for those with T1D. We hope you plan to join us this year!!
Don’t delay a minute longer and register now for one of our three walk sites:
* Tucson, Arizona – Walk to Cure Diabetes Celebrating Ron Santo taking place on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at Rillito Park.
* Tempe, Arizona – Walk to Cure Diabetes Celebrating Ron Santo on Saturday, November 3, 2012 at Tempe Town Lake.
* Albuquerque, NM – Walk to Cure Diabetes Saturday, November 3, 2012 atAlbuquerqueBalloonFiestaPark.
Last year, Breakthrough T1D expanded its research goals to be more patient-focused: cure, treat, prevent. Our highest priority is to cure T1D and remove the disease from the lives of our loved ones. We will also focus on developing better ways to treat T1D allowing people to live healthier lives, and to prevent T1D from occurring in those most susceptible.
Everyone has a reason to walk. Who’s your #1?
Thank you for sharing our goal to improve the lives of every person affected by T1D. If you have any questions regarding the walk and/or registration, please feel free to contact your local Breakthrough T1D office.
Desert Southwest ChapterStaff