Greek Food Festival Torch Run Supports Breakthrough T1D

We are excited to announce that the Las Vegas Greek Food Festival has selected the Breakthrough T1D Southern Nevada Chapter as one of their chosen charities to benefit from their Torch Run, which kicks off the festival this weekend.

The torch run raises money for Breakthrough T1D through the pledged support of the run participants or directed donations to the run.

The run will be begin with a torch lighting ceremony at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15, 2017, at Tivoli Village in Summerlin. The torch will then be carried along the selected route by the various sponsored runners. The torch will arrive at the Festival on the church grounds at approximately 7:00 p.m. at which time they will light the Festival Flame.

Become a runner or a sponsor by calling the Greek Food Festival Coordinator at (702) 221-8245. All proceeds will go directly to the chosen charities. A minimum of $200 donation per runner is requested prior to the run.