Promise To Remember Me Campaign


This is an exciting time for Breakthrough T1D Advocacy! July 20th kicked off the Promise to Remember Me Campaign nationwide that occurs every other year, or once every Congress. Breakthrough T1D Advocates meet with their U.S. Senators and Representative in their home states and Districts, to establish personal relationships and explain how Congress can help create a world without T1D. This year’s campaign is ALL VIRTUAL and will run from July 20 – September 21. Promise gives families impacted by T1D the chance to share the emotional, physical, and financial toll of the disease with their Members of Congress at a local level. This is an opportunity for people in our community to become advocates and have their voices heard.  Breakthrough T1D has 3 ASKS this campaign.


The SDP is a government-sponsored program dedicated to T1D research. The SDP addresses: environmental triggers of T1D, immune therapies, glucose control, complications, and more. SDP funding expires at the end of November which previously had only been extended for 6 months. Breakthrough T1D is asking for the SDP to be renewed at the current level of funding, $150 million per year for the next 5 years. When the SPD is renewed for 6 months or a year at a time it is harder to plan out research and for researchers to know if they will be able to continue their projects. 


The main request is to eliminate the rebate system which would mean lower prices for the consumer. Last week there were 4 bills the president signed regarding insulin affordability. We are expecting more direction on this from national advocacy in the coming days as the messaging will likely change.


Breakthrough T1D and non-profits with more than 500 employees do not qualify for the COVID-19 financial relief programs. Since COVID-19 hit, Breakthrough T1D has experienced a significant drop in revenue which can directly reduce our ability to deliver research and community support now and in the future. Breakthrough T1D is collaborating with other mid-sized non-profits who face similar challenges to ask for relief assistance to mid-size non-profits.

Interested in participating in a meeting, advocacy, or any questions?

Contact Kim Lonsway, or Paul Stearns,