Celebrate the T1D Community for National Diabetes Awareness Month
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM)! During the month of November, people all over the country team up to spread awareness about diabetes and highlight the urgent need to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat type 1 diabetes (T1D) and its complications. The need for awareness and education on T1D is more important than ever. Who better than the T1D community to make sure that this disease is properly recognized in November and throughout the year?
Bringing attention to diabetes throughout the month not only helps to bring more understanding to a very misunderstood disease but it can also help to bring in more funding for essential research and support for important legislative issues facing the T1D community.
During the month of November, show the world that you are the #PowerofUs! Share with our Power of Us photo filter found in the link below and #PowerofUs hashtag on social media. November 14th is World Diabetes Day! This year’s theme is the Nurse and Diabetes which spotlights the important role nurses play in diabetes care and management. Download a social media graphic found in the link below and share a story of a nurse or school nurse who has made a difference in your life or your loved one’s life. Close out NDAM with Giving Tuesday on December 1, 2020 by downloading a social media graphic also found in link below and encourage your community to make a gift to Breakthrough T1D during this annual day of giving to advance our mission of a world with T1D.
To learn more about Breakthrough T1D Power of Us campaign and other initiatives, please visit https://www.breakthrought1d.org/national-diabetes-awareness-month-2020/.