35 Faces of the Breakthrough T1D One Walk: Meet Ethan


35 Faces, 35 years of Walking, 35 Reasons to Give

My team’s name is Ethan’s Legacy and that’s what I hope to do – I want to leave an awesome legacy on the Breakthrough T1D One Walk! I was diagnosed with T1D when I was 6 years old. This year is my 4th year walking and we have raised over $8,500 so far! The best part about the walk is every year my parents let me design the front of my walk t-shirt. My parents ask local businesses to sponsor my team and in return, they get to put their logo on the back of the shirt. My second year walking, I was a Walk Ambassador and my t-shirt won first place in the t-shirt contest! Every year, my team and I take the same photo in front of the vintage Walk to Cure Diabetes banner – it’s fun to look at the photos year after year. I always tell my family and friends how important it is to donate money and raise awareness about T1D. I am excited that one day I will have a life without needles and blood sugar checks!

Please consider supporting Ethan’s fundraising efforts by donating to his Breakthrough T1D One Walk team here.