An Entertaining Evening of Inspiration at the 2018 Hope Gala


To all of you who joined the Breakthrough T1D Georgia Chapter on May 5th, THANK YOU! It was a spectacular evening in so many ways. The generosity shown by our gala donors and guests was truly remarkable and in turn much-needed funds were raised for Breakthrough T1D. With the inclusion of both pre and post-event contributions (including sponsorships, table and ticket sales and donations) combined with the evening auction and Fund A Cure totals, we are happy to announce we will exceed $1.8 million for Breakthrough T1D’s mission and T1D research.

(Evening Entertainment – The 3 Waiters)

We are thrilled to share this exciting news with the extraordinary supporters who made this possible. We commend the hardwork and dedication of our Hope Gala Committee, Co-Chairs, Sponsors, Volunteers, Auction Donors and our Board of Directors. If you missed some of our evening program or you were unable to join us, please see below for a few evening highlights. Thank you again for your support.

Together, we WILL create a world without T1D.

2018 Hope Gala Co-Chairs:
Mary Jo Riddle and Laura Turner Seydel

(L to R – Mary Jo Riddle, Barbara Roos and Laura Seydel)

2018 Barbara and Duke Roos Living and Giving Award Recipients:
Jill and John Kampfe

(L to R – Anna, Jill and John Kampfe, Barbara and Duke Roos)

2018 Fund A Cure Speaker:
Michael Howell

Last but certainly not least…here is one more photo during our evening entertainment.
The 3 Waiters had guests clapping, singing and waving their napkins in the air in excitement!

To view or purchase photos from the Breakthrough T1D Hope Gala, please click here.