An Entertaining Evening of Inspiration at the 2018 Hope Gala
in Fundraising

To all of you who joined the Breakthrough T1D Georgia Chapter on May 5th, THANK YOU! It was a spectacular evening in so many ways. The generosity shown by our gala donors and guests was truly remarkable and in turn much-needed funds were raised for Breakthrough T1D. With the inclusion of both pre and post-event contributions (including sponsorships, table and ticket sales and donations) combined with the evening auction and Fund A Cure totals, we are happy to announce we will exceed $1.8 million for Breakthrough T1D’s mission and T1D research.

We are thrilled to share this exciting news with the extraordinary supporters who made this possible. We commend the hardwork and dedication of our Hope Gala Committee, Co-Chairs, Sponsors, Volunteers, Auction Donors and our Board of Directors. If you missed some of our evening program or you were unable to join us, please see below for a few evening highlights. Thank you again for your support.
Together, we WILL create a world without T1D.
2018 Hope Gala Co-Chairs:
Mary Jo Riddle and Laura Turner Seydel

2018 Barbara and Duke Roos Living and Giving Award Recipients:
Jill and John Kampfe

2018 Fund A Cure Speaker:
Michael Howell
Last but certainly not least…here is one more photo during our evening entertainment.
The 3 Waiters had guests clapping, singing and waving their napkins in the air in excitement!
To view or purchase photos from the Breakthrough T1D Hope Gala, please click here.