Breakthrough T1D One Walk Family Team Lunch

September 13, 2017, Atlanta, GA
11:30 am - 1:00 pm


Families forming their first-year Breakthrough T1D One Walk teams are invited as a group to connect with one another and learn about what to expect on Walk Day, how to build your team and, most importantly, how to make it something the whole family will enjoy. RSVP below and join us!

More Info

We’d like to extend a warm welcome all of you who are “new” to Breakthrough T1D’s One Walk this year. Families forming their first-year teams are invited as a group to connect with one another and learn about what to expect on Walk Day, how to build your team and, most importantly, how to make it something the whole family will enjoy. Register your Breakthrough T1D One walk team here!

Breakthrough T1D staff will facilitate the session over lunch. We’ll share information about Breakthrough T1D, a short history of the Atlanta walk, tips for the on-line fundraising tools and a quick research update about some of Breakthrough T1D’s recent progress. Everyone will have the chance to ask questions and share ideas and should leave inspired and better connected!

We hope you’ll mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 29th; Wednesday, September 13th or Tuesday, September 19th. We know you’re busy, so we have included 3 possible dates for you to attend!  Lunch will start at 11:30am and will be done by 1pm.

Breakthrough T1D Office – 3525 Piedmont Rd NE Bldg 5, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30305
Lunch will be provided.

We’ll email a confirmation, directions and menu to those attending ahead of the event. RSVP here.

NOTE: There will be room for children in the room, so don’t let that keep you from attending.  For those who want to come but have to get back for school pick-ups, know that we’d love to have you join us for as long as you can.

Thanks for your interest in the Breakthrough T1D One Walk!  We look forward to seeing you!


Breakthrough T1D Office

3525 Piedmont Rd NE
Bldg 5, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30305

Event Contact

Morgan Sillay
4044205990 |

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