Team Week – A Success!!


We did it!  Because of the efforts of our wonderful Team Captains, Breakthrough T1D’s Team Week was a huge success!  This week, the Eastern PA Walks to Cure Diabetes recruited 285 new walkers and raised $52,752.32 – all because of you!

Congratulations to all of our Team Week winners!
Monday – Ashley Curran of Team Beck
Tuesday – Claire Witzleban of John’s Juggernaut
Wednesday – Steve Schwartz of Scott’s Blue Dinosaurs
Thursday – Katie Perst and Alissa Falcon of Team Good Neighbor Pharmacy

And our grand prize winner –Brian Joslin of Brian’s Pride– who raised $1,970 and won a V.I.P. Walk Day Package that includes one V.I.P parking spot, Countdown on the stage, breakfast and walk t-shirts to be delivered to your team table!. Congratulations!

Breakthrough T1D is driven by passionate, grassroots volunteers connected to children, adolescents, and adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Because of people like you, we are working to progressively remove the impact of T1D from people’s lives until we achieve a world without diabetes. Thank you to all who participated in Team Week!