
2017 Breakthrough T1D Government Day
On Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 46 Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter advocates traveled to Washington, DC for the annual Government Day which was the culmination of a four day long advocacy event for our volunteer advocacy chairs from across the nation. As is tradition for our Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter, we recruited volunteer advocates to join our advocacy chairs to meet with our congressional members in support of the Breakthrough T1D legislative agenda and help promote the following priorities:
- Renewal of the Special Diabetes Program – Breakthrough T1D’s top legislative priority is to secure a three-year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) at the current funding level of $150 million per year.
- Ensure healthcare reform protections for people with T1D – Specifically, Breakthrough T1D supports: preserving protections for those with pre-existing conditions; allowing young adults to remain on their parents’ plans until age 26; prohibiting yearly and lifetime dollar limits for essential health benefits; and preserving provisions that close the Medicare coverage gap for prescription medicines, known as the “donut hole”, by 2020, which will help Medicare beneficiaries afford insulin and other drugs
- Support strong overall funding for NIH & FDA – Breakthrough T1D is also advocating for the highest funding levels possible for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Our advocates help build critical, sustained support among national government and healthcare decision makers of the need for better therapies and ultimately a cure for T1D. Meetings were held with seven of our eight House members or their staff and with staff from both US Senator’s offices. Our team of advocates were well received and, most importantly, listened to!

Use your voice to help secure legislative support for research, influence sound policymaking and improve the quality of life for all those affected by T1D – until we find a cure. Become a Breakthrough T1D Advocate by texting “ACT” to 53731 or sign up online.
T1D Connections Program Providing the Resources and Support for T1D’s!
The T1D Connections Program is a resource available to the T1D community that connects individuals to others who understand what it is like to live with T1D. Through these connections Breakthrough T1D volunteers provide emotional support and guidance while also helping families and individuals to become acquainted with Breakthrough T1D in a meaningful way.
Breakthrough T1D Outreach Volunteers play the very important lead role in building early relationships with newly diagnosed individuals/families– welcoming, supporting, guiding, and connecting them to the larger T1D community and Breakthrough T1D. This is accomplished through relationship building activities throughout the first twelve months post-diagnosis, including making introductory phone calls, sending periodic emails, making invitations to attend and meet at chapter events, and identifying opportunities for further engagement as advocates, volunteers, and fundraisers.
The T1D Connections Program brings people together to become a part of the T1D community and the Breakthrough T1D family with the promise that no one is in this alone! Trainings will be held in March 2017. If you would like to learn more about the program and how to join as an Outreach Volunteer please reach out to Lindsay Fortese!