Upcoming Events- Hop To It and Check Them Out!

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Shop for a cause! On Saturday, April 22nd, J.Crew and Crewcuts (JCrew children’s line) stores in the King of Prussia mall will be donating 10% of sales to Breakthrough T1D. Shoppers must mention ‘Breakthrough T1D’ at checkout in order for Breakthrough T1D to receive the donation.

Volunteers are also needed for the J.Crew and Crewcuts fundraising event! Breakthrough T1D will have tables near both stores with information on Breakthrough T1D and to encourage shoppers to mention Breakthrough T1D at checkout so we receive a percentage of sales that day. We are looking for two people per table to volunteer in two (2) hour shifts: 10am-12  and 12-2 pm. For more information and to sign up to volunteer, please contact Clare Shields by calling 610-227-0364 or emailing cshields@BreakthroughT1D.org.



 The Elegance at Hershey is a weekend celebration of a bygone era when the automobile stirred our imaginations and quickened our hearts. For more information visit: https://theeleganceathershey.com/

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Two Locations, One Great Cause: Join us for an amazing tennis event on June 1 at Merion Country Club or June 16 at Germantown Cricket Club.  All proceeds will benefit Breakthrough T1D. More details can be found here: https://jdrf-epa-delaware.ejoinme.org/ace2017

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Ready to kick off those winter boots and step into those golf shoes? Plan now to join us at the 9th Annual Tee Up To Cure Diabetes golf tournament that is taking place on June 16th at the Bethlehem Golf Club. For more information and registration, please visit: https://bit.ly/JDRFGolfEPA2017

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Mark your calendars…Breakthrough T1D night at the Philadelphia Phillies is taking place on August 23rd, 2017 at 7:05pm. The Phillies will be taking on the Miami Marlins. Tickets on sale now: phillies.com/JDRF. A portion of all ticket sales will benefit Breakthrough T1D.

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The 2017 Ride to Cure Diabetes program is underway! There are still spots available for all of the rides- including Saratoga Springs, NY and Loveland, CO. For more information or to register for a ride, please visit: https://ride.jdrf.org or contact Christina Cimino by calling 610-227-0371 or email- ccimino@BreakthroughT1D.org

     spotlight 3       Rider Spotlight          spotlight 3

  Steve Burgo

2017 Ride Coach for the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter

steve burgo 1Tell us a little about yourself!

My name is Stephen Burgo, I am married to my wife Margaret and am father of two children Elsa (10) and William (8).  I am an Civil and Environmental Engineer, and attended Villanova University – home of the 2015-2016 NCAA men’s basketball national champions.  I live an active lifestyle and have ridden with Breakthrough T1D since 2013.  I enjoy college basketball, hiking, kayaking, and cycling, and am a avid gardener.  I also live with Type One Diabetes (T1D) – I was diagnosed in March of 1996, 21-years ago, while I was in graduate school at Villanova, and have worked hard to manage living with T1D as best I can, dealing with the ups and downs, and watching what I eat and most importantly staying physically active and never letting my T1D slow me down or keep me from realizing my dreams.  Keeping a positive attitude is a must living with T1D.

Why do you participate in the Ride to Cure program?

I have lived with T1D for 21-years now, and so many others also live each day with this disease and have the burden of constant 24/7 management of their blood sugar levels, watching what they east, and staying active.  It is time for a CURE and I feel that research is making big leaps and bounds closer each year towards finding that Cure and ending T1D.   I would also be amiss if I didn’t say that after my 1st Breakthrough T1D Ride in Burlington, VT (2013), I was hooked.  It was clear that there is no other Ride event or event such as a Breakthrough T1D Ride To Cure Diabetes Ride Weekend.  The people you meet, the celebration of those living and riding with T1D, and those who share their pain and burden of management, and those who are all in to fundraise for research to find a CURE.  Excitement ! ! !

What is your motivation for training and fundraising?  

What motivates me is continuing research that will lead to a CURE for T1D.  In regards to training – I train hard as a coach to be strong and to be able to help encourage and support all our Breakthrough T1D riders, and especially my Eastern PA Breakthrough T1D Ride Team riders.  I also want to show others living with T1D, that they too can realize their goals, and to continue to set their goals high and work hard.  You can live life strong with T1D.

How many Breakthrough T1D Ride to Cure Diabetes destination rides have you participated in and where did they take place?

In 2017 I will ride my 8th and 9th Breakthrough T1D Rides to Cure Diabetes in Loveland, Colorado in August, and Saratoga Springs, New York in September.

In past years, I have ridden the following rides:  2013 – Burlington, VT (1st Breakthrough T1D Ride), 2014 – Burlington, VT (2nd), and Lake Tahoe, CA (3rd), 2015 – Burlington, VT (4th Ride and 1st as our Eastern PA Ride Coach), and Greenville, SC (5th), and 2016 – Burlington, VT (6th), and Amelia Island, FL (7th).

What do you like most about being a part of the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter Ride team?

Riding with so many wonderful riders who are all fundraising and ridingfor one unified reason, to find a Cure for Type One Diabetes (T1D).

Thoughts on the Ride to Cure Diabetes program to pedal away with:

The Breakthrough T1D Ride to Cure Program and ride weekends are rides like no other.  You simply can’t put the ride experience into words, you have to register for a Ride and join all the Breakthrough T1D riders to see what the excitement is about.  Breakthrough T1D has a great support team, group of ride coaches, and some of the best destinations to participate in a ride.  In addition, the money you raise goes to help support the Breakthrough T1D research help us get closer to a Cure for T1D.