Walk Talk

Join Us at Breakthrough T1D One Walk Moosic!
There is still time to register and fundraise for this Sunday, June 4, 2017 Walk!
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Moosic
Montage Mountain Resort
1000 Montage Mountain Rd
Scranton, PA 18507
Registration opens at 9AM – Walk begins at 10AM
Contact Joe Paprzycki for details
JPaprzycki@BreakthroughT1D.org or 610-227-0369
Mission in Motion – Register for Fall Breakthrough T1D One Walks Today!
A huge THANK YOU to the over fifty new and returning teams listed below
for being the FIRST out of the gate to register for our fall Breakthrough T1D One Walks!
What are YOU waiting for? Register today and get a jump start on your fundraising
so we can move that much closer to a day without type 1 diabetes (T1D)!
2017 Fall Walk Registration Is Open
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Allentown – September 17, 2017
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Bucks County – October 1, 2017
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Reading – October 15, 2017
Breakthrough T1D One Walk Philadelphia – October 22, 2017
New Teams
#MilaniaStrong, Bobby, Brennan’s Brawlers, Cure 4 Carolyn, Erin’s Army, Jake’s Support Team, Jon’s Orphans, Kasha, KEL’S SNIPERS, Lizzie’s Lizards, Marching for McDowell, Michael Baker Intl, T1DEthan, Team Brianna Marie, Team Cris-T1D, Team HK, TeamKandice13, Team Maxen
Returning Teams
A piedi forte, Ben’s Brigade, Brandon’s Team for a Cure, Breebella, Caitlyn’s Crew, Captain Cenzo, Carb Crusaders, Catie’s Courageous Crew, Cohn Sisters: Mackenzie’s MM & Sydney’s SuperStars, Colin’s Clan, Colleen’s Crayons, Conman’s Crusaders, Dominic’s Dynasty, Ethan’s Slapshots, Goldzilla, Good Neighbor Pharmacy, Harmelin Family Team, Incredible Colt, Kaydence Walker’s, Kelsey’s Cure, Jayden’s Journey, Liam’s Crew, Marching for Maggie, Miles for Maeve, Nathan’s Cure Shooters, New Penn Financial, Putting diabetes in the penalty box, Rae Rae, T1DOWENT, Team Andrew, Team Ben – Chugging for a Cure!, Team Cambo, Team Goody, Team Joey91, Team Taylor, The Diabadasses, Tut’s Team, Unicorns
Refer for Research & Win a Surprise Gift Card!
If you know a family, school or company that would benefit
from joining one of our One Walks,
please refer them to us at Philadelphia@BreakthroughT1D.org by Friday, June 16, and
you will be entered into a drawing to win a surprise gift card!
The more individuals and organizations connected to our mission,
the more funds we can raise for T1D research –
participate today & help us grow our T1D community!
Thank You to Our 2017 Fall One Walk Sponsors
The Breakthrough T1D Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter offers corporate event partnerships for the upcoming four fall walks with customized benefits. Please contact the Breakthrough T1D Eastern PA One Walk Team to learn more about our sponsorship opportunities.
Breakthrough T1D Eastern Pennsylvania is deeply grateful for the 2017 One Walk Sponsors
who have already committed listed below.
One Walk Philadelphia
One Walks Bucks County & Reading
With their partnership, we will turn Type One into Type None!