What is Breakthrough T1D Your Way?


Breakthrough T1D One Walk t-shirts not your style? How about pastel tuxedos, ruffled shirts, big sleeves, and bigger hair? Have fun coming up with your own fundraising idea with Breakthrough T1D Your Way! You can turn your favorite hobby, talent or passion into money for T1D research—or even use it as an excuse to throw a fabulous party.

Just ask Kristi Rogerson of New Hope, PA, who has raised thousands of dollars with her throwback events! Read below to find out how Kristi is working to turn Type One into Type None one costume party at a time.


What is your T1D connection? Tell us about your loved one living with T1D.

Our youngest daughter, Morgan, was diagnosed with T1D in August 2010. She was six years old. She is now 14 and thriving!

Why did you decide to get involved with Breakthrough T1D? When and how did you create your first Breakthrough T1D Your Way Campaign?

We decided to get involved with Breakthrough T1D because we respected its mission. Like all families touched by diabetes, we hoped to help “Fund a Cure.” We created our first Breakthrough T1D Your Way campaign for the purpose of raising money for Breakthrough T1D while also raising awareness within our community. We decided to host an ‘80s prom. Rather than make a straight-up donation to Breakthrough T1D, we sponsored the party and asked that everyone who attended consider making a contribution. We raised over $10,000 and had a lot of fun, too!

Diabetes can be enough of a struggle; we think we should all be allowed to have a good time while also making a difference.

What have been some of your Breakthrough T1D Your Way Campaigns over the years, and what made them so successful?

Most recently, last fall we again used the Breakthrough T1D Your Way platform. Since we had so much success with the throwback party, we decided to host a 1967-themed 50th birthday party for my husband, Greg, and asked that in lieu of gifts, people would consider making a donation to Breakthrough T1D. We pasted the link to our web page right into the invitation so guests had an easy link. That campaign raised almost $20,000!

What advice do you have for those looking to create their first fundraiser?

Diabetes can be enough of a struggle; we think we should all be allowed to have a good time while also making a difference. I personally would suggest that you think about what you enjoy and invite others to participate. Positive energy seems to be contagious. While we all agree that diabetes is serious business, raising money and enjoying yourself don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

We will continue to do what we can—while not forgetting to “party” a bit along the way.

Any fun ideas for upcoming campaigns?

I’m not sure what we will do next, but I think a “1920s speakeasy” may just be calling.

What would you tell someone with T1D/a loved one with T1D about Breakthrough T1D? 

I think the sooner you get involved with Breakthrough T1D, the better. They have tremendous networks for guiding and connecting new families with other people and/or resources. Anyone who loves someone with T1D knows that we all want the same thing—a cure. But even in the eight years since Morgan’s diagnosis, good progress has been made in terms of her day-to-day burden. To the extent that Breakthrough T1D is responsible for that, we are grateful. And to the extent that we can help with the next step forward, we will continue to do what we can—while not forgetting to “party” a bit along the way.


Creating a Breakthrough T1D Your Way fundraiser is completely free! You have access to fundraising tools like a custom fundraising page, a private dashboard to monitor your progress, sample messages to ask for support, and other downloadable resources. How you choose to fundraise is really entirely up to you. In fact, the wackier you get, the better!

We invite you to visit the Breakthrough T1D Your Way website to find out more about starting your own fundraising campaign, or contact 610-664-9255 to speak with an expert at the Breakthrough T1D Eastern PA chapter!