Meet Ride Coach Steve Burgo
in Fundraising

When you have a coach like Steve, participating in Breakthrough T1D Ride to Cure Diabetes is as easy as riding a bike.
Steve Burgo of Berwyn will be riding in Saratoga Springs, New York, in September and Santa Fe, New Mexico, in November—marking his twelfth Breakthrough T1D Ride! Steve participates in at least two Breakthrough T1D Ride events each year. But don’t let that intimidate you—you don’t need to be an avid cyclist to participate in one of these amazing events. That’s what Steve is here for!
Steve is also a Ride Coach. The role of a Breakthrough T1D Ride Coach is to help each rider cross the finish line under his or her own power—safe, sound, and smiling. The coach assists riders with setting reasonable goals based on their ability, educating them on what to expect at the ride, and training with them to achieve their goals.
Breakthrough T1D Ride has raised over $47 million for T1D research to date. This extraordinary event gives cyclists of all ages and skill levels the opportunity to support breakthroughs that transform the lives of people with T1D.
Read below to find out why Steve rides.
What is your T1D connection?
I have T1D and was diagnosed while I was in graduate school at Villanova University at age 22.
What excites you the most about being involved with Ride?
Positive energy and friendships between all of our Breakthrough T1D riders and families. Seeing riders from the beginning of their journeys to the day of the ride—all that training, sweat, time in the saddle, pedaling on those trails and roads, on the flats and on the hills. Seeing them with those thoughts going through their minds as they set their goals to ride their first century ride—“Can I do this?”
Then each month as they ride another training ride and pedal further than they ever have before on their bikes, and climb hills they thought they never could climb. They see their accomplishments—week by week, month by month—and soon they are energized and ready to join hundreds of others in the Breakthrough T1D Ride family each year at their Ride destination. Then being there with all of our riders seeing them push themselves and all their smiles and stories as they ride and cross the finish line with all their new Breakthrough T1D friends.

What are your fundraising strategies?
Share your story: Add some of your T1D experience and why you ride. Tell your friends and family: use the Breakthrough T1D tools, Facebook, email, and send letters. Follow up because people are busy, and we all can easily forget. Don’t forget to remind them throughout the ride season!
What is one tip you would share with those who are new to fundraising?
You have signed up to do a Breakthrough T1D Ride, whether it is for yourself or your loved one or a friend with T1D. Make it personal, and add the reason why you are riding so people can understand why they should consider donating to support your effort. They may not know who Breakthrough T1D is and what they do, so tell them a little about what Breakthrough T1D does. If you are new to fundraising, start with emailing your friends and family and putting a fundraising message on Facebook, reaching out to your friends to visit your Breakthrough T1D ride page.
How has Breakthrough T1D’s support made a difference for you and your family?
The Breakthrough T1D ride family has brought a number of new T1D and non-T1D friends into my life.
What would you tell someone with T1D/a newly diagnosed family about Breakthrough T1D?
Life with T1D gets better. Thinking back to when I was first diagnosed, there are always a lot of unknowns and questions. You have new things that you have to do each and every day—multiple times per day—but you will learn and life will eventually reach a level of normalcy again.
You will also soon learn that you too can still do all the things you wish to and you can still dream big and accomplish your goals with T1D.
I ride for a Cure—and I ride to encourage others with T1D that they too can dream big and accomplish their goals regardless of this disease.
Breakthrough T1D Ride isn’t just a bike ride; it’s an experience where hundreds of riders come together from all over the world to make new friendships, enjoy the unparalleled camaraderie of the Ride community and raise money to help end T1D. Don’t worry—you don’t need to be a professional cyclist to participate in one of the amazing events! We invite riders of all ages and skill levels to visit to learn more.
Have questions? Let’s talk! Please reach out to Ashley Ralligh, Development Manager, at or 610-227-0371.