The power of you — Breakthrough T1D turns 50
in General

Philadelphia’s own Lee Ducat, Breakthrough T1D founder, in a July 1977 issue of PEOPLE WEEKLY Magazine.
As Breakthrough T1D is the global leader in type 1 diabetes (T1D) research, with millions of supporters, it might be hard to believe how this high-impact organization started—in a living room in Philadelphia.
Breakthrough T1D turns 50 this year, and over these five decades of progress, the organization has been able to fund a tremendous amount of life-changing research because of your support and commitment to our shared mission.
Thank you for being part of our story.
It’s not only what we’ve achieved, but how we’ve achieved it—through people. We are inspired every day by stories of Breakthrough T1D community members showing ingenuity, commitment, and tenacity. We motivate each other into action as we work together to change lives for people living with T1D.
We are profoundly thankful for the amazing power and accomplishments of people in the T1D community. Let’s keep going. Mark the occasion by adding your strength to the power of us and help us make a massive impact toward improving the lives of people living with T1D.
See the progress you’ve made possible at