Celebrate NDAM all November long!

The Power of Us: 50 Years and Counting
Breakthrough T1D was founded in 1970 by two moms determined to help not just their children, but everyone with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Our community grew to include scientists, lobbyists, celebrities and children collecting coins at school – all determined to improve lives and find cures. Bound by a will stronger than the disease, this year during National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) we will take a look at the power of our community and remind each other of how far we’ve come in the fight to cure T1D.
What’s happening this month with the Breakthrough T1D Greater Delaware Valley Chapter
Keep an eye out for YouTube sessions “Chronic Hope” hosted by Breakthrough T1D Volunteer Bonnie O’Neil on our chapters Facebook and Instagram!
“A former board president and current board member of the Greater Delaware Valley Chapter of Breakthrough T1D, Bonnie has been passionate about her work for Breakthrough T1D for close to two decades. She leads, serves, and fundraises to honor her son, sister, and brother—all of whom were diagnosed with T1D as children. Her forthcoming book, Chronic Hope: Raising a Child with Chronic Illness with Grace, Courage, and Love (April 2021) helps parents raising a child with chronic disease gain practical wisdom for managing the emotional stress of raising a child with chronic illness, and is an important resource for our T1D community.”
Download the following social media graphic and encourage your community to make a gift to Breakthrough T1D during this annual day of giving to advance our mission of a world without T1D.
World Diabetes Day
November 14th is World Diabetes Day! This year’s theme is the Nurse and Diabetes which spotlights the important role nurses play in diabetes care and management. Download the following social media graphic and share a story of a nurse or school nurse who has made a difference in your life or your loved one’s life.
Show the world that you are the #PowerofUs.
Share with our Power of Us photo filter and #PowerofUs hashtag on social media.
Join us for our next Kidz Kew on Wednesday, November 18th at 6pm. We’ll be having some Thanksgiving Fun! Tell us what you are thankful for! (We are thankful for YOU!) Learn the Carb counts of your favorite thanksgiving foods, make a fun Thanksgiving craft and play some fun holiday games!
Register Today!
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Nov 18, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
Join this dynamic group for our monthly Parents Meet Up on Thursday, November 19th at 8:30pm! Make a glass of hot tea, pour a glass of wine or just find a cozy, quiet spot and join Dr. Shara Bialo and T1D Ross Laufgraben for our virtual Newly Diagnosed T1D Parents Meet Up.
Register Today!
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Nov 19, 2020 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
TypeOneNation Summit
For you who missed Breakthrough T1D’s Virtual TypeOneNation Summit it’s not too late to participate – TypeOneNation Summit is Now Available On Demand!
Breakthrough T1D hosted our first-ever TypeOneNation Virtual Summit featuring keynote presentations by leading T1D experts and celebrity partners, breakout sessions curated for parents, caregivers, adults, seniors and young adults, and downloadable educational resources. Don’t worry if you missed the summit – we’ve got you covered! All sessions were recorded and available to view on demand when it’s most convenient for you. The TypeOneNation Virtual Summit will remain open through the end of the year, so visit as often as you’d like to catch up on sessions you missed, re-watch your favorites and download informational content at the virtual booths in the Exhibit Hall and Breakthrough T1D Community Room. Simply visit the event page, enter your email under Already Registered or Click Here to Register (if this is your first time visiting the summit), and you’ll go right to the TypeOneNation Virtual Summit event experience.