Breakthrough T1D One Walk Launch Day!

June 4, 2023
12:00 am

Join the excitement as we kick off the 2023 Walk season!

More Info

Registration is officially open for our Breakthrough T1D Greater New England One Walks in Boston, Northern New England, and Rhode Island at!

Help us kick off the 2023 Walk season with our very own Launch Day. Join us in Boston, Northern New England, Rhode Island, or Walk Your Way! All team captains who register on or before Launch Day, Sunday, June 4, will receive a pair of Breakthrough T1D One Walk socks and be entered into our “Walk Royalty” drawing, where one winner per site will be chosen to join us on stage and lead our countdown. 

The Breakthrough T1D One Walk is your chance to show the world that together, we can conquer type 1 diabetes (T1D). If you’re living with T1D or you love someone living with T1D, you’ll likely do just about anything to make life easier. Now you can be a part of the largest T1D event in the world, no matter where you are. Your One Walk will power more research, enable more advocacy, and fund more support for the 1.45 million Americans living with T1D. By joining the Breakthrough T1D One Walk, you’ll be part of the lasting footprint we’ll make for the T1D community now, and for generations to come.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media (@jdrfgreaternewengland) as we countdown to Launch Day! #OneWalkLaunchDay


Breakthrough T1D One Walk Launch Day is being held in conjunction with the Breakthrough T1D T1Day Out: A Community Fair. Stop by the fair on Sunday, June 4 at the Bolton Fairgrounds from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. to visit with community and industry partners, meet others in the T1D community, learn more about Breakthrough T1D, and more! Visit to learn more.


Event Contact

Greater New England Chapter
7814310700 |

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