Team Highlight: Megan’s Mixed Greens
in General
Megan’s Mixed Greens have participated in three walks and have raised funds for Breakthrough T1D for four years. Megan was diagnosed with T1D right after she turned three and has been living with it for the last five years. The annual walk falls right around the anniversary of her diagnosis. The team would recommend people experience the walk day atmosphere and become aware of everyone in the area that lives with T1D and is fighting for a cure. They think that the communal feel is very inspiring and their favorite part of the walk is seeing the other families and teams that come out to support their loved ones. For them, participating in the walk creates a bond with others who share the same struggle and inspirations.
Megan’s healthy diet helps her manage her diabetes and she is a big salad eater, which inspired the team name. Megan’s Mixed Greens raised $2,295 and counting this walk season! Thanks for all your continued support.