Day 17 – Meet Sabrina
My name is Sabrina. I was diagnosed with T1D at 20 months old. Today I am 7 years old and in 1st grade. I have to go to the nurse’s office at least 3 times a day to check my blood sugar and get my insulin. Each visit can take up to 20 minutes, so sometimes I have to miss class activities. I am on an insulin pump which has made managing my diabetes easier. I am on the Omnipod pump that has no tubing, which makes me feel free. Although, sometimes my pump makes a very loud beeping sound and this is very embarrassing when it happens in school. The nurse then has to call my mother and she has to come up to the school to make adjustments. This process takes a long time and it usually makes me miss a lot of work.
I really don’t like blood testing! I have to do it so many times a day. It is something that I wish I could do less because it really hurts.
I met a lot of great people at Breakthrough T1D. They are always so happy to see me and make me feel special. When I started going to the Breakthrough T1D offices, I met a lot of other kids like me. Some of these kids share the same experiences as me and don’t like having diabetes just like me. My favorite thing to do at Breakthrough T1D is to help with the art projects. I also like to participate in the Walk to Cure T1D every year. I am happy to be a Youth Ambassador because I want to bring awareness to this terrible disease. I will continue to do all I can to educate people and hope that someday I will be able to run and play and eat just like all my friends and not have to worry about my blood sugar.
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Sabrina and others living with T1D by clicking here.