Day 24 – Meet Austin
My name is Austin and I am a 17 year old type-1 diabetic. I was diagnosed with T1D back in 2011. At first, I was devastated and thought that my life would never be the same. Instead it has been the exact opposite. Living with a chronic disease has been a challenge, but it has given me the strength to overcome other challenges that have occurred thereafter. A few months after diagnosis, I became a counselor at Barton Day Camp helping younger children adjust to living with T1D. It gave me the opportunity to lead children into living a responsible life with diabetes while not letting anything get in their way. Each year since diagnosis I have fundraised and walked to support Breakthrough T1D. I believe that being a voice for T1D through Breakthrough T1D has given me the confidence to succeed in making an impact on the lives of others.
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Austin and others living with T1D by clicking here.