Day 25 – Meet Gabriel


My name is Gabriel and I am almost 10 years old.  I was diagnosed with T1D when I was 6, right in the middle of first grade.  It is kind of hard for me to remember life without diabetes because it feels like I have been taking my blood sugar, counting carbs, and programming my insulin pump forever!  As far as my life with diabetes is concerned, I am still the same old Gabe who loves swimming, karate, playing video games, and running around with my friends.  I just had to grow up a little faster and learn how to manage my diabetes so that I can stay healthy.  The biggest challenge that I have experienced since being diagnosed with diabetes has been the thought that I have a disease that has no cure.  I am the only kid in my school with diabetes, which makes me feel ‘different’ and ‘not normal’ sometimes.  I try to help teach others at school more about my disease and what they can do to help me and Breakthrough T1D raise money for research.

Although I have learned to live with my diabetes I really hope that the scientists and doctors can find a cure so that kids like me can go back to just being kids!

Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Gabriel and others living with T1D by clicking here.