Day 28 – Meet David


Being diagnosed with T1 at the age of 3 was something that was hard for David to articulate. He didn’t verbalize his disdain. In fact, he barely protested his shots. It was as if he was so happy to be feeling better that he welcomed them on some level. But after months of being a “trooper” he had had enough. I tried to check his sugar one night. When he started to resist I reminded him that he was a superhero (something I told him in the hospital to make getting the IV fluid and glucose check more palatable). But for the first time he looked at me and said, “I don’t want to be a superhero anymore. I just want to be a little boy.”

It has been 3 years, and while those words still resonate, David has begun to come out of his shell thanks to places like the Breakthrough T1D and meeting other T1 children, who help him realize that the world is full of superheroes just like him!

Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of David and others living with T1D by clicking here.