Summer Camp Open House

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Hosted by Dr. Jill Brodsky, Pediatric Endocrinologist

Saturday, January 23, 2016  1 – 4 pm

The Mount Kisco Medical Group

30 Columbia Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Please join Dr. Jill Brodsky for an informative program to introduce your family to the many benefits of diabetes camp. Diabetes camps are staffed with trained pediatric medical professionals and physicians who participate in camp programs with the children.

Representatives from Setebaid Services Camps, Camp Nejeda, and The Barton Center Camps will be on hand to discuss the unique opportunities available to your child this summer, including becoming a camp counselor.

Setebaid Services Camps – Ages 8-18

Camp Nejeda – Ages 7-16

Barton Center Camps – Ages 6-18

Please call or email the MKMG office before Thursday January 14th to let them know how many people in your family will be coming!

P: 845-202-6059                                Email: