Day 7 – Gabe


My name is Gabe and I am almost 12 years old. I was diagnosed with T1D when I was 6, right in the middle of first grade. I guess you could say that I have had diabetes for half my life! I don’t even remember life before having to check my blood sugar (sometimes up to 10 times a day), counting carbs for everything I eat, and programing my insulin pump before catching up to my friends.

Even with diabetes, I am still the same old Gabe. I love swimming, playing drums, learning to ski, and spending every free second playing video games.

Since being diagnosed with T1D there have been lots of changes in my life, and lots of difficult things that I have to deal with that other kids my age don’t even have to think about. The biggest challenge, I think, is that lots of teachers, kids, and their parents don’t really know a lot about my disease-and when people don’t know about something, they can be afraid of it. Most of the time, I feel like teachers are nervous to have me in their classes and friends’ parents are afraid to have me over their houses to play or dare I say-have a sleepover.

I know that I have come a long way with learning to live with my diabetes, but I really hope that one day, with help from Breakthrough T1D and people like you, scientists and doctors can find a cure so that kids like me can go back to just being kids!

Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Gabe and others living with T1D by clicking here.Gabe