Day 18 – Jack
in Awareness

Hi, my name is Jack and I am a 16 year old, type 1 diabetic. Keeping my blood sugar under control is never an easy task especially during these teenage years. Although I endure many struggles as a type 1 diabetic, one struggle in particular is driving. On top of my responsibilities as a new driver, I am responsible to keep my blood sugar monitored and under control while driving to ensure the safety of myself and others on the road. I always have to test before I get behind the wheel because having a low blood sugar on the road can be very dangerous. I must always have a glucometer and a quick form of sugar with me. It is also a lot more difficult for my parents to allow me to drive independently than most teens, as there are a lot more things that can go wrong than someone without diabetes. I have a feeling; I will probably be about 30 before they let me drive on my own!
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Jack and others living with T1D by clicking here.