Day 24 – Nicki
in Awareness
My name is Nicole and I am in 8th grade. I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on September 8, 2004 just before my second birthday. I don’t remember that day but I can’t ever forget the daily challenges of living with Type 1 Diabetes. For more than 10 years, my family and I have been hoping and praying for a cure, for a day when I don’t have to prick my finger multiple times to test my blood sugar, or remember to give myself insulin. Mostly, I hope for the day when I no longer have to deal with high and low blood sugars; they make me feel terrible and are very disruptive to my day. I often have to leave my classroom to go to the nurse and then have to get to school early the next day to make up the work I missed. Having to manage my diabetes also makes me feel different from my friends. I long for the day when I can be just like everyone else, thinking about my school work, my friends and my activities and not my blood sugar.
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Nicki and others living with T1D by clicking here.