Day 28 – Noa and Sadie
in Awareness
Two sisters, one special bond
“I feel low” “I feel high” “Should I Dual Wave?” “Can I have another juice?”, are questions I ask daily to my parents… And to myself. Hey, I’m Noa and I have Type 1 Diabetes for almost 6 years now. Basically, half of my life. T1D has been challenging; testing, bolusing, and worrying. But thanks to technology, it has made living with Diabetes a bit easier for me and my parents. Now instead of testing 6-8 times a day, I have a sensor. So now I test once in the morning and once at night, with my sensor. But I have another thing attached to my body also. I have and probably always will be self-conscious of what is on me. I have learned that I never fit in as well as people without diabetes. To tell you the truth, diabetes has never stopped me from doing anything. But I always tend to look at the bright side of most situations, which is that Type 1 Diabetes makes me different… In a special way. Diabetes has never stopped me from doing anything but I pray for a cure every day.
I know that it’s hard to have diabetes. But when you are eight years old it’s very difficult. Hi my name is Sadie Krangle and I am eight years old. It’s very hard when I have to leave my favorite activity when I feel low. I really appreciate my family helping me. Sometimes it hurts when I test but I have to do it. Like when I am at a birthday party and I feel low. I need to test. There is no choice. I don’t like when people stare at me when I am testing. I like when I am alone. I always have to carry a bag full of of juice, snacks, and my tester just in case I am low. My sister has diabetes too. She sometimes helps me when I need a site change or if I need a shot she does it. Sometimes my site doesn’t work so I need to do a site change and my mom or dad help me. I can do some of it by myself too now. I really really hope they find a cure. That would change my life.
Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Noa, Sadie and others living with T1D by clicking here.