A One Wish Masterpiece

Kids-Art-Project-1Kids-art-project-3Kids-Art-Project-2 Children of all ages participated in this year’s Hudson Valley Kids Art Project which was held on Thursday, April 7 at Vassar Brother’s Medical Center. This annual event is a wonderful way for our chapter children to have a hands-on impact in raising funds for a cure and a fun venue for kids with T1D and their siblings to socialize with one another. Participants this year ranged in age from three to twenty two and have been living with T1D for one day to as many as fifteen years. The masterpiece that they collectively create will be auctioned off at the Hudson Valley One Wish Gala on Friday, June 3, 2016 at the Powelton Club in Newburgh NY.

While the children’s parents headed off to a parent support group, the kids got down to work. Twenty eight kids were asked to decide what their one wish was and they had to describe that wish in one word or picture. Volunteers then helped the kids to transcribe the wish onto their hand which was then photographed. Our gala chair, Heather Arteta, will use these photos to create a beautiful collage that illustrates the hopes, dreams and aspirations of these remarkable children.

The diversity of wishes was inspiring. Our chapter children have wonderful hopes and dreams that will take them to Hollywood, Broadway and recording studios for the boy who plans to be the next Nick Jonas. One young woman plans to be a world renowned chef and another to play on the Olympic softball team. We have athletes, gamers, scientists and our youngest do love to play. Of course, more than a few wish for a cure or at least to never use another needle again. But it is heartwarming and a testament to the resilience of children: T1D is something they have, it is not who they are. Who they are is unique, creative, strong, happy and healthy kids and they are an impressive group. We are extremely lucky to have their dedication and support for Breakthrough T1D and we extend thanks to the children and their families for sharing them with us at this annual event.

Stay tuned to our blog for the final unveiling of the project and don’t miss your opportunity to bid on this work of art! Click here to learn more about the Gala and to purchase your tickets.