Brendan Kackley- Breakthrough T1D Ride To Cure Diabetes

Tell us why you have decided to join the Ride to Cure Diabetes!

Brendan and his mom, Claire

Name: Brendan Kackley; Death Valley 2016

Who or what has inspired you to take on the challenge of Ride?
Nancy and Tom McManus inspired me to ride in the Breakthrough T1D ride every  year.  The first time I saw them in their ride jerseys I wanted to do that.

If you have T1D, how old were you when you were diagnosed?
I was 11 years old when I was diagnosed.

Are you already a rider or did the Ride inspire you to become a rider?
I wasn’t a rider when we first started. I only rode my bike in the neighborhood with friends.  I rode in Burlington, VT for 3 years now and every year I’m inspired to continue.

Please share what you hope this experience will bring to you.
The Death Valley ride has been my dream since we started riding in the Breakthrough T1D ride.  I’m ready to go and enjoy the experience.

How many years have you participated in the Ride?
3 years. This will be my 4th.

Do you or have you participated in other Breakthrough T1D events/programs?
We have participated in Breakthrough T1D Walks and Gala.

Who comes along to support you at the ride?
My family comes to support me. My Mom and I have ridden the past 3 years and this year my Dad is riding with me.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining the Ride to Cure Diabetes?
I would share my experience and tell them how this is the best organization and has given me the greatest experiences. I’ve been able to participate in things, like the Ride, that I never would have thought about participating in, in spite of having T1D.  It has been a life changing experience for me as a person.


Share your story: If you or anyone you know would like to be featured on our website, please contact Toni Campbell at (914)686-7700.