Series: #FashionistaForACure- Natalie Wiegenfeld


Here is our next #FashionistaForACure!

“I sometimes wonder whether I really remember how easy life was before diabetes, both for Naomi and for us – and I am not sure I do, as health is so often taken for granted until something happens. For our family, a cure for diabetes would mean that we can all go back to enjoying life and all of its excitements without the constant worry about Naomi’s bloodsugars, without worrying whether she’ll be safe if we are not around, whether we have all her supplies with us, whether she feels different from other kids, whether we’ll get any sleep tonight, whether this will hit the boys at some point in their lives.

Naomi is only 5 – and there is nothing we hope and wish for more than for there to be a cure in her future. So many improvements have been made over the past 10 years in diabetes management, and so many more innovative trials are in the pipe line that we are cautiously optimistic that it might happen – largely thanks to the efforts of the Breakthrough T1D and the generosity of its supporters and their friends and families. No matter what, Naomi will always be a stronger and more resilient person because of the challenges of living with diabetes today, and we are so proud of her for being the happy and positive trooper that she is.” -Natalie Wiegenfeld, Catwalk 7 Committee Member #JDRFCatwalk7

Purchase “IT Bag” raffle tickets for $25!

For more information about Catwalk 7, contact Laila at 914-686-7700 or