Help Us Change Abby’s Odds


Four years have come and gone.  12/27/12 is a date that my family and I will always remember.  Spending my Christmas vacation in the hospital was something that I wasn’t supposed to do.  All I wanted to do was ride my brand new pink bike.  The only set of wheels I had was the IV cart.

We were filled with so many questions and so much learning.  At the age of eight, I had to grow up fast.  I needed to learn how to detect dangerous lows and highs of my blood sugar, and how to give and take five shots a day.

Now at the age of 12, I am still always learning about my disease.  But no matter how much I still learn, one thing will always stay the same; I have Type 1 Diabetes.

Unfortunately, you can learn all you want, eat right, exercise and take the correct amount of insulin, but this disease has a mind of its own.  Sometimes you just have to take it, and ride the storm.

But no matter what, it has not broken my spirits or my competitive nature.  I will continue to be a kid who likes to hang out with my friends, go to school, and do Irish Step. I will not let this disease stop me from achieving my dreams and goals.

If there is anything to be thankful for, it’s the support and love from everyone I have met in this community.  We look out for each other, and understand our thoughts and feelings without even speaking a word.  I can’t thank Breakthrough T1D enough for making me feel special.

Please consider making a Fund A Cure donation in honor of Abby and others living with T1D by clicking here.

Gorman, Abby