Youth Ambassador Spotlight: Meet Kyle Aleksiejczyk

My name is Kyle Aleksiejczyk, I’m 14 years old and I was diagnosed on August 21, 2013, just 2 weeks after my 10th birthday. It was my first season of travel soccer and I was attending pre-season camp that week. My 10 year check-up was also that week which ended up being a check-up that would change my life forever. The appointment was going well until my mom mentioned that over the summer my grandma noticed I had been going to the bathroom a lot and drinking a lot of water (which are symptoms of diabetes, neither of us realized). The doctor tested my urine which led to a finger prick which confirmed my BG was much higher than average. The doctor spoke with my mom and me for a bit, made some calls and then told us that the next step was to go to the Yale ER to be checked in the hospital for few days. Up until that day I also had a needle phobia. My mom couldn’t even tell me when my annual check was until we were driving to the appointment. And now, little did I know, I was headed into a lifetime of needles.

I was so confused and scared, I just wanted it to be a bad dream. On the way to Yale, all I kept saying to my mom was “I’m sorry”. I probably said it a couple hundred times. I thought I did something to cause it and had no idea what it meant or what I was in for. To sum up the next few days, the nurses and doctors took many tests, and the conclusion –type one diabetes. Oh, and I got over my needle phobia, thanks to the amazing nurses at Yale! I decided I wasn’t going let diabetes to take control of my life. I would have to learn to live with this and not let it stop me from doing anything I wanted to do. I continued on with my first season of travel soccer and planned to live my life to the best of my ability. After attending Rainbow Club Day Camp I saw how many kids had pumps and CGM’s and how easy it really was and I was ready. We did some research and started the Omnipod pump & Dexcom CGM. It took me awhile to get comfortable but I got the hang of it and felt fortunate to have these amazing devices.

I still play soccer, never letting my diabetes get in the way. I play for Wilton High School and RUSH premier club soccer. If you put the time and effort into something you enjoy (a sport, club, whatever) even if you have a disease (like me) you can achieve anything you set your mind to. For example, I have put considerable time and effort into soccer, and last summer I had an opportunity of a lifetime… to compete with friends in an International soccer tournament in Italy. It was an experience I’ll never forget. I have not let my diabetes get in the way of anything. Diabetes is something I live with but definitely doesn’t define me.
Kyle Aleksiejczyk