Fundraise YOUR Way with Breakthrough T1D Greater New York City
in Fundraising

Breakthrough T1D Your Way lets you put your time, talent and creativity to work to help create a world without type 1 diabetes. You name it. We support you. Whether it’s through a special occasion, athletic event, memorial—or your —Breakthrough T1D gives you all the tools and tips you need to raise money—your way—for T1D research.
Check out some of the incredible fundraisers coming up in our area:
14th Annual Brookfield Lions Club Breakthrough T1D Strides to Cure Diabetes 5-Miler
Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 9:00 AM | Cadigan Park, Candlewood Lake Road, Brookfield, CT 06804
CALLING ALL RUNNERS!!! The Brookfield Lions Club, together with Breakthrough T1D, are proud to once again co-sponsor this event to promote diabetes awareness and research. Together, our organizations will promote diabetes awareness in adults and youth, as well as the importance of continued research for prevention and cure. For over 50 years, the Brookfield Lions Club has sponsored community-building activities as part of its overall mission to raise funds for local and worldwide charities. Breakthrough T1D has been the recipient of a portion of the Brookfield Lions Club’s annual fundraising dollars for many years.
• Technical t-shirt to first 100 registered runners
• Awards for runner age brackets
• Post-race raffles
• Music, food trucks and free parking
For registration link and event information please contact Jill Waller Volunteers are welcome!
The Darien High School Football Team once again focused its attention and put its weight into lifting for a cure. Each year, the football program hosts the Breakthrough T1D Lifting for a Cure Event at DHS. Due to COVID restrictions in the weight room at DHS and the limited access we had at this time, Vibe Fitness and John Carlozzi offered to host the event for Darien football players to put their weight into lifting for a cure on March 26th. The event has currently raised $9,835 and any additional donations would be amazing. Blue Wave Senior Joe Sheehan was just diagnosed in December and currently working in a Breakthrough T1D funded study. Alumni Blue Wave player Kevin Grune has been living with TID since the age of 4. Will Wilson (brother to Alumni Blue Wave Captain Sam and Blue Wave Sophomore Jake), Blue Wave team manager Cathy Hunter (sister to Blue Wave Alumni Charlie), Colton Stafford (brother to Blue Wave Junior Jeremiah) and Jen Laird (mother of Blue Wave Senior Teddy) have all been affected by this disease. With funding and research, the goal is to make Type 1, Type None. Donations may be made HERE to support their “lifting” efforts.
To learn more about Breakthrough T1D Your Way or get started with your own fundraiser, visit our website or contact Jill Waller, Development Coordinator, at