Upcoming Chapter Events: Signature Events
in Fundraising

SAVE THE DATE: Young Leadership Committee One Week for One Night
May 17 – 20, 2021
Join our Chapter’s Young Leadership Committee (YLC) for One Week for One Night! Over the past 10 years, One Night has brought together passionate leaders in the philanthropy and business communities for one night, one purpose, and one vision…a world without T1D, and our commitment remains the same.
Throughout these four days, our Young Leadership Committee will bring you a series of virtual fun! Get moving and start your mornings off by taking a fitness class with an amazing coach, join us with your best trivia team, attend a bartending class, and even have a chance to win bingo night! The fun will culminate on Thursday, May 20 with the Grand Finale – a Live Stream event featuring a DJ, special messages, and a virtual opportunity to all come together to celebrate the funds we’ve raised for Breakthrough T1D’s Mission! We can’t wait to see you over the course of the week as we drive critical funds to support T1D research. Email Sam Corrigan at SCorrigan@BreakthroughT1D.org to learn more.
SAVE THE DATE: Tee Up to Cure Diabetes Golf Classic
July 12, 2021
We are excited to announce that we will be returning to Fresh Meadow Country Club in Lake Success for our annual Tee Up To Cure Diabetes Golf Classic on July 12th! Nestled on Long Island a few miles east of New York City, Fresh Meadow Country Club has been host to many historic events as well as famous celebrities throughout the years. Its premiere services along with exquisite Clubhouse décor and challenging, beautifully manicured golf course makes it the ideal location for us to Tee Up To Cure Diabetes. More details coming soon! Email Leanne Labetti at LLabetti@BreakthroughT1D.org to learn more about how you can get involved.