RTCD- Spring Tune Up


We are into May and the weather is perfect for starting to log those longer training miles! However, before you venture outside for that LONG ride, might be a great time for a little TLC on the bike to make sure it is ready to go!
Here are some tips from our Ride Guru, Mikael Hanson, to get your bike ready for those long miles as we begin to prepare for in-person training rides and events!
  1. Washing your bike
    The saying goes a Clean Bike is a Happy Bike! Regularly washing your bike with soap and water can not only make the bike easier to ride but extend its life! I try to wipe down my bike with a wipe after every ride and the chain weekly. A damp cloth rubbed over the tires can not only clean off any debris like glass you may have picked up on your last ride, but also identify any cuts in the tire that might prove worrisome.Here is link to Mikael’s own YouTube video on cleaning your bike: https://youtu.be/FKFX37FZO5E
  2. Check those Tires!
    Keeping with the TIRE theme, winter riding is tough on tires whether you are inside or outside. Outside, road salt can speed up the wear of your tires, just as riding indoors on a trainer can. Check the tread for extensive wear and look for any cuts in the tire! If unsure, my advice is it is always good to start a new season off on NEW TIRES!
  3. Check cables
    Whether your bike is equipped with a mechanical shifting drivetrain and/or cable-actuated brakes, you’ll want to examine your cables and housing. Corrosive sweat from indoor trainer rides or grime from slushy winter roads can cause them to gunk up and not work properly. This something best left to the Pro’s at your local bike shop, however, if you do tackle this on your own, when installing a new cable, coat it with a tiny bit of grease or chain lube to cut down on the friction when shifting.
  4. Saddle Bag
    Before you head out make sure the saddlebag you had been using to carry your ride essentials is up to date. Double-check for tire levers (2), spare tube, multi-tool, and CO2 and adaptor. Plus it’s smart to always make sure you have some spare cash in the saddle bag!
  5. Tune up at Bike Shop 
    When in doubt of the state of repair your bike is in or if you simply do not have the time, tools, or mechanical expertise to complete the above tasks, now is the time to drop off your bike with your local Bike Shop. Remember, many of these shops owners are small businesses who have been working hard through the Pandemic as essential workers (so I like to bring my local shops doughnuts when I drop my bike off!)

Thank you Mikael for all these helpful tips! If you are new to the Ride to Cure Diabetes and interested in joining us, please head over to Ride.JDRF.org for more information and to register, or contact Sara Trimble, STrimble@BreakthroughT1D.org

Happy and safe riding!