Team Breakthrough T1D- 2021 TCS New York City Marathon Coach Notes
in Fundraising
Your one-stop resource for all our Marathon Notes from Coach Mikael Hanson! Please see below for our Team Breakthrough T1D- 2021 TCS New York City Marathon training notes.
Marathon Note #1- Closer Look at the Logs
Marathon Note #3- Cross Training and Distance Running Thoughts
Marathon Note #4- The Training Phases Plus Advantages to Using a Heart Rate Monitor
Marathon Note #5- Recovery Week is Upon Us!
Marathon Note #6- “I feel the need, the need for speed!”
Marathon Note #7- Nutrition and Fueling
Marathon Note #8- All About Shoes
Marathon Note #9- Some NYC Strategies
Marathon Note #10- NYC Marathon Tips
Marathon Note #11- The Mental Side of Running
Marathon Note #12- Marathon Mistakes