Keeping Our Commitment to Engage All of Our Constituents


Dear friends,

We are excited to announce that our chapter, formerly known as Breakthrough T1D Greater New York City Chapter, a branch of Breakthrough T1D National, will now be operating under a new name that better reflects our community. Effective immediately our chapter will be known as the GREATER NEW YORK METRO CHAPTER (GNYMC).

Over the six months since I joined the chapter, I have met with many throughout the community, from Hudson Valley, Westchester County, and Fairfield County, Connecticut to Long Island and the five Boroughs. I can see that we are much more than a city chapter. We are a diverse and encompassing community that we are proud to serve. This change is to better reflect our expanded community. So, we believe our chapter name should represent that.

Please note that there has been no change in management and in the range of our service, instead, this is an effort to better depict the service we provide to our community. Our goal is for everyone across our vast geographic area to feel equally engaged with our chapter and mission.

The name change will be present in our upcoming marketing materials, chapter website, and other communication vehicles. Our hope is that this change will show the community we are listening and committed to serving every person impacted by type 1 diabetes (T1D) regardless of where in the metro area. And we will make this change with limited cost to the organization (less than $2,000) so our dollars go to mission.

Thank you for your support and commitment to our mission to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications.

From all of us at the GREATER NEW YORK METRO CHAPTER, thank you and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Mimi Crabtree
Executive Director  | (708) 505-6791