Greater New York Metro Chapter

Upcoming Spring Events: Re-imagined

At Breakthrough T1D, our top priority is — and always has been — the health and well-being of the type 1 diabetes (T1D) community. To safeguard our community during the COVID-19 pandemic, Breakthrough T1D has made the difficult decision to postpone all in person events through June 30th.

But, as Breakthrough T1D’s CEO & President Dr. Aaron Kowalski says:

Our events do not raise the money we need to fund research, our community does. 

No matter what is happening in the world, we know that T1D doesn’t go away.  We can’t stop or slow down our work—if we do, we risk setting back the incredible progress you’ve made possible. We are working on ways that we can still come together, virtually, as a community, to show the world that when faced with challenges, we will remain unstoppable in our fight to find a cure. ​

We have taken a hard look at our upcoming Spring events and how best to manage these efforts moving forward. With the support of our community, here is our plan:

Upcoming Virtual Campaigns: 

May 11th – May 14th       One Week for One Night 

June 1st – June 4th         One Night Signature Gala Goes VIRTUAL!

Leading up to our virtual events, we’ll be sharing videos and stories from our T1D community, so be sure to follow us on both Facebook and Instagram.

Postponed Events: 

September 9th            Real Estate Games – Chelsea Piers

September 28th          Annual Golf Classic – Westchester Country Club

September 2nd            Tee Up to Cure Diabetes Golf Classic – Fresh Meadow Country Club


While we will face some challenges in the upcoming weeks, the fight against T1D will not stop. We are as dedicated as ever to the vision of a world without T1D and know you are too.

Even during a global pandemic, T1D does not take a day off, and neither can we.

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