World Diabetes Day Global Challenge
November 14, 2020
12:00 am
On World Diabetes Day, November 14, to signify the unity of the diabetes community, Breakthrough T1D will be holding a 24-Hour Global Challenge. We want to see how many times we can circle the world with our collective miles and how much we can collectively raise to drive us towards our ultimate finish line: a world without T1D.
More Info
Take action on World Diabetes Day
We invite you to help make a significant impact during the month of November which is National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM). Specifically, on November 14, World Diabetes Day (WDD), Breakthrough T1D will be holding a 24-Hour Global Challenge. On November 14, Breakthrough T1D One Walk, Breakthrough T1D Ride and Team Breakthrough T1D are teaming up to see how many times we can circle the world with our collective miles and how much we can collectively raise to drive us towards our ultimate finish line: a world without type 1 diabetes (T1D). What a great way to show the Power of Us!
Keep an eye out for more information as we launch this challenge! We hope you will join us by walking, running or cycling that day.
Here are a few ideas for the “24 Hour” challenge:
- Ask 24 people to give $24 to your campaign
- Ride or run 24 miles in 24 hours
- Ride or run as many miles as you can in 24 minutes
- Use the footprint calculator to craft a story that is meaningful to you:
Share your Journey:
Connect to Strava to log your miles and share your journey on social media (along with your fundraising link) so we can see where you’re walking, running and riding all over the globe. Tag #JDRFGlobalChallenge #WDD #NDAM #PowerofUs
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