Is 2014 the year to Celebrate a Cure?
in General

As a new year begins, let’s look back and see what advances have been made of the last year. You know we work hard to raise money to find a cure for diabetes, but do you ever see the results? You may not see them, but doctors and researchers all over the world, funded by YOUR Walk dollars, are working tirelessly to solve the mystery that is type 1 diabetes. Maybe one of these projects can break through and really solve the mystery and bring us a cure for type 1. Below are a few examples of type of studies that Breakthrough T1D supports, maybe one of them will supply that additional piece of the puzzle that will turn type one into type none.
New information, as of January 2014
University of Missouri finds “cure” for type 1 diabetes in mice
Researchers from Italy have developed a method for estimating insulin sensitivity
Progress made with artificial pancreas in Australia
Previously posted articles
“Reverse” Vaccine Ready for Human Trials
Developing Pumpable Glucagon for Artificial Pancreas