Everyday Hero: Jack Stack

Everyday Hero
Everyday Heroes is a monthly series recognizing individuals, families or businesses that go above and beyond to serve our local T1D community.

In just six short months since his diagnosis of T1D, 8-year-old, Jack Stack has overcome challenges familiar to so many of you, while continuing to stay positive, inspire others and spread altruism.

Jack looks for opportunities to educate both kids and adults about T1D. He brought Rufus to school, read Taking Rufus to School to his classmates, and teaches his camp staff how to care for him. His latest project is Jack’s Hope in a Box  a care box filled with items to help kids newly diagnosed with T1D. Each box is designed to bring a smile to their face and provides much-needed distractions while in the hospital.

Jack is an inspiration to us all. His commitment to the T1D community, especially those who are newly diagnosed, is incredible. We asked Jack to answer a few of our questions to learn more about his story and inspiration behind “Jacks Hope in a Box”.

JDRF: Tell us about yourself!

JDRF: What is Jack’s Hope in a Box and what inspired you to create it?

JDRF: What do you hope kids will feel when they received your Hope in a Box?

JDRF: How can others help you with this project?

To help Jack with this project, simply purchase an item through his Amazon Wish List and have it shipped directly to Jack. Once he has all the items for a box, he will put a personal letter in each box and deliver them to the hospital to be distributed.

To learn more about Jack’s project and story click here and to watch Jack explain his Hope in a Box on News12 New Jersey click here!

For additional information on our Everyday Hero this month or to nominate someone for the Everyday Hero series, contact mford@BreakthroughT1D.org.