Join the North Florida Ride Team!

The 2019 season of the Breakthrough T1D Ride to Cure Diabetes is here! There are 5 ride locations for 2019! Go to to learn more about the locations and to sign up. Join the North Florida Ride team today! We are currently at 18 riders and would like to reach 20! Who will be #19 and #20? It could be you!

The Breakthrough T1D Ride isn’t just a bike ride, it’s where hundreds of riders come together from all over the world to make new friendships, experience the unparalleled camaraderie of the Ride community, raise money to find a cure for T1D and to take part in a weekend-long celebration that leads up to the one-day Ride. Riders of all experience are welcome. You do not need to be an avid Rider to join!