Breakthrough T1D Cups of Hope Virtual T1D Support Group and Meet-Up
May 18, 2022
6:30 pm
Join us on Wednesday, May 18th for the next Cups of Hope gathering. Our guest speaker this month will be Breakthrough T1D Board Member, Craig Bobik. Craig has been living with T1D for over 40 years and is currently serving as Breakthrough T1D Northern Florida’s Clinical Trials Education Volunteer. He will share his extensive experience with clinical trials and T1D studies and why they are so critical. Craig will also share the latest news in T1D research. Come with all your T1D questions, listen, learn and connect!
Registration is not required to attend! Click the “Join” link and use the following to log into the meeting:
Meeting ID: 978 2684 6302
Passcode: 280230
Cups of Hope is a monthly T1D support group and meet up that is open to T1Ds of all ages and their loved ones, caregivers and supporters. Each meeting features a guest speaker or topic and always offers an opportunity ask questions, address your concerns or just vent. What a great opportunity to connect with the local T1D community in a warm, welcoming environment.
Event Contact
Dori Rivers
17275145195 |
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