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Breakthrough T1D Oklahoma Children’s Congress Delegates 2017

Oklahoma Chapter Children’s Congress Delegates: Tori Kostas and Sean Biebrich

Each year it is held, Breakthrough T1D receives more than fifteen hundred applications for Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress, while approximately 150 applicants can be selected as Delegates. The Oklahoma Chapter is excited to announce that Tori Kostas and Sean Biebrich have been chosen to represent Oklahoma in Washington, D.C from July 24 – 26, 2017. Here’s a short introduction to our 2017 Children’s Congress Delegates:

Tori Kostas
Tori CC 2017I am so excited to be attending Children’s congress this July because, as a 14 year old who has lived with T1D for over 10 years, I get the opportunity to tell our Representatives and Congressional leaders what it’s like to live with such a balancing act of a life.  I will have a voice for all of us living with this chronic disease on how important it is to renew the Special Diabetes Program that provides $150 Million dollars annually for T1D research.  I’m so honored to have been chosen to represent our state.   –Tori

Sean Biebrich

Sean CCI am so excited to share my story and make sure the legislature understand what T1D-ers experience every day and how they need to help fund research for a cure!! I am also very excited to meet all the other delegates and enjoy the experience!!!   –Sean

Tori and Sean will be asked to make local media appearances, complete tasks relating to Breakthrough T1D Children’s Congress before, during and after the event, interact with other Delegates, visit Capitol Hill to meet with national lawmakers and staff, and spread Breakthrough T1D’s mission of creating a world without type 1 diabetes. We look forward to sharing more about their experience attending the 2017 Children’s Congress.

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