Dallas Young Leaders Involved in Breakthrough T1D

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The Breakthrough T1D Young Leadership Committee (YLC) has been busy this fall! This group of young professionals, aged 21 to 40, is committed to Breakthrough T1D’s mission to cure, treat and prevent type 1 diabetes (T1D). YLC participated in the Breakthrough T1D One Walk, volunteered at D101, has begun planning their signature fundraiser, Brew the Cure, and hosted a Happy Hour to engage new members. Networking, volunteer opportunities, social events and fundraising are the focus of this young leaders group.

New members are always welcome in the Breakthrough T1D Young Leadership Community! If you are interested in attending an event, volunteering or fundraising with YLC, please contact Jordan at JBender@JDRF.org and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Lee Small volunteered to attend a D101 session at Children’s Hospital with our Outreach Manager, Tanya. Together, Lee and Tanya welcomed families to the Breakthrough T1D community, passed out Bags of Hope and the T1D Looks Like Me created by a Youth Ambassador. Lee was diagnosed as a T1D as a child, and valued the opportunity to support other children and families in the same spot he once was.

Lee opened up about his first experience at D101 – “Having the opportunity to speak with newly diagnosed T1D’s and their families was an emotional journey for myself that I wasn’t fully expecting.  I was 4 when diagnosed so the gravity of the situation never really hit me but I do remember the stress my parent’s felt.  Walking into that room I could tell the families and kids just wanted to hear that everything is going to be alright moving forward.  This monumental change becomes a little less daunting when you hear activities like playing basketball, swimming at the lake and eating birthday cake are all things that T1D’s do as well!  While carb counting and insulin injections are the new norm, consistent care allows every diabetic to decide what they want to do and how they want to live their life.  Most importantly, this diagnosis isn’t something that should define who you are.  It is something you live with but has nothing to do with the person you are, what you can accomplish and the long and healthy life you are going to be able to live.”


Many of the YLC members also attended the walk – some walked with their personal walk teams, and others volunteered at the YLC tent. Volunteers spoke with other young professionals interested in giving back to the T1D community were able to stop by, learn more about YLC and our committee. Below, Chelsea Holmes, Rob Howe, Travis Roberts, Lee Small, Makayla Forsberg, and Allison Potter posed for a YLC team photo.

Lastly, YLC hosted a happy hour at The Rustic! Potential new members were invited to network and kick off the holiday season! Thank you to all new and existing members that attended.