Blood Sugar Balance with Kristie Lambert – 2025: A New Year, A New You

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The content below is provided by Kristie Lambert, MSN, APRN

Kristie Lambert is an Adult Nurse Practitioner who specializes in Endocrinology. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Toledo and then earned her Master’s of Science in Nursing at the University of Akron. She has a passion for diabetes and has been working in this field since 2011.

In her spare time she enjoys reading, boating and spending time with family and her dog CJ.


2025: A New Year, A New You

A new year signals a fresh start or at the very least a chance to hit the reset button. Diabetic management can get overwhelming and can feel very time consuming. This coming year, take the opportunity to really think about what your health needs are and how you can make them more of a priority. Here are some ideas of areas to get you started.

Doctor’s Appointments

It can be hard to find time for regular check-ups with your physician. Most office hours don’t line up with your schedule, offices are rarely open on Saturdays and many don’t take appointments past 5pm. Before you know it it’s been six months since your last visit and you know your blood sugars aren’t where they should be.

Some of us need that accountability with our physician on a regular basis to stay on the right track. Making and keeping regular appointments with your physician a priority, may make a big difference in your blood sugars.

Meal Plan

Food choices can be a struggle for anyone, not just for someone who has diabetes, but as we all know, food choices play a big part in blood sugar management.

Most of us like to indulge in a sweet treat or a savory carb, and sometimes those foods can become more of the norm. If you feel like your food choices could be improved, take this time to make small but achievable goals, such as swapping out sweet treats after supper a couple of times per week for a lower carb fruit option.

Diabetic Technology

Some of us don’t like change, but change can be a good thing and it has been when it comes to the advances in diabetic management technology. Some of the devices like pumps and sensors are noticeable and that can make some people uncomfortable. Don’t let this keep you from experiencing some diabetic freedom. Make it a priority to learn more about the advances in diabetic management technology and whether some of these options may be a good fit for you. These are just some ideas on how to make 2025 a more enjoyable diabetic year. Remember you have 365 days, so don’t give up, keep trying and keep going!