Temecula Valley Coffee Chat

January 25, 2025, Temecula, CA
9:00 am - 11:00 am (Pacific Time)

We are very excited for the New Year and the chance to continue connecting with our T1D Community in Temecula Valley and the surrounding areas!

 We would love it if you could stop by anytime in between to say hello! Grab your favorite beverage or snack from the Press Espresso and find us outside at the table with the Breakthrough T1D sign! It is a chance to meet friendly faces in the T1D community. Please consider letting us know if you can join us so we know to look out for you!

We hope to have more meet ups at the park for families, tween/teen hangouts, and more coffee chats in 2025! Let Catrina Cooper at ccooper@breakthrought1d.org know if you are interested in helping to make this happen!


The Press Espresso

32115 Temecula Parkway
Temecula, CA 92592

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