Wisconsin Chapter

Welcome to the Wisconsin Chapter’s Youth Ambassador Program!

The Breakthrough T1D Wisconsin Youth Ambassador Program consists of young leaders with T1D who represent Breakthrough T1D in their communities, engage their peers, strengthen Breakthrough T1D’s mission, and encourage participation in Breakthrough T1D Wisconsin programs and events.

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The Youth Ambassador Programs provides a supportive community in which young people gain confidence in public speaking, develop leadership skills and collaborate with peers while advancing the mission of Breakthrough T1D through fundraising and storytelling. Youth Ambassadors inspire others by sharing their type 1 diabetes (T1D) story, raise awareness for Breakthrough T1D, and educate the broader community about T1D.

Youth Ambassadors also develop lifelong friendships with peers living with T1D, volunteer at chapter and community events, and have FUN! Those selected to serve as Youth Ambassadors are community representatives of Breakthrough T1D supporting our vision of a world without T1D.

Meet your 2024 Breakthrough T1D Wisconsin Youth Ambassadors!

To be considered for the Youth Ambassador Program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Between the ages of 5 – 18 years (Kindergarten – Grade 12)
  • Living with T1D for at least one year
  • Have a positive outlook on life and diabetes
  • Commit to the annual term (January 1 – December 31)
  • Volunteer a minimum of 5 hours to support Breakthrough T1D programs and/or events
  • Attend and/or participate in a minimum of 3 Breakthrough T1D events
    • One must be a speaking engagement.
    • One must be a fundraising event.
  • Complete 1 fundraiser
  • Attend Youth Ambassador Orientation in January or February, as scheduled by the chapter

Parents and / or guardians have a responsibility in ensuring their child’s success in the program:

  • Review the application with their child
  • Provide permission to participate
  • Assist, as needed, with program support
  • Provide transportation to Breakthrough T1D events and activities

Applications for the 2024 year have closed. If you are interested in receiving an application in November for the 2025 program, please fill out the YA Interest form.  If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact Anne Kahl at akahl@BreakthroughT1D.org.

Current youth ambassadors please sign into the Youth Ambassador 2024 Hub for updates.

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