Greater New York Metro Chapter

Team Breakthrough T1D Greater NYM- 2023 NYC Marathon

Every year participants from around the world gather to run through the streets of New York City for the annual TCS New York City Marathon. Our runners will be lacing up their sneakers to help bring us closer to our finish line—a world without T1D!

Below you will have access to Coach Hanson’s training notes for the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon training season! For any questions or concerns, please contact:
Sara Trimble-
Mikael Hanson-


Marathon Note #1- A closer look at your TP logs and training ZONES
Marathon Note #2- Stretching
Marathon Note #3- Cross Training
Marathon Note #4- Using a Heart Rate Monitor
Marathon Note #5- Rest and Recovery
Marathon Note #6- All About them SHOES!
Marathon Note #7- Nutrition and Training
Marathon Note #8- Mental Side of Running
Marathon Note #9- Common Mistakes
Marathon Note #10- Recovery
Marathon Note #11- A Review of Some Terms
Marathon Note #12- Some NYC Strategies



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