2024 Walk Season Wrap-Up!
in Walk

This fall, the Kansas & Missouri chapter came together and hosted three incredible Walks in support of Breakthrough T1D’s vision of a world without Type 1 Diabetes.
Check out some highlights from Walk St. Louis, Walk Kansas City, and Wichita Community Walk.
T1D Parade
We celebrated the second annual T1D parades at each walk site! As part of the opening ceremony, all T1D champions were gathered by how many years they’ve been a T1D warrior. The crowd cheered on these inspiring T1D warriors as they headed to the stage. The mosaic of our T1D champions together on stage was a truly touching moment!
Walking the Walk
With 149 teams for the Kansas City Walk, 34 teams for the Wichita Community Walk, and 163 teams for the St. Louis Walk, our teams and families showed up to turn type one into type none. The Walk was made extra fun and colorful with bubbles along the route!
Walk Day Activities
Once walkers finished their walk, they were greeted with activities and local vendors for an afternoon of fun! Walkers made creative crafts, participated in the T-shirt show, and showed off their team’s awesome shirt designs.
This event wouldn’t be possible without the help of our incredible volunteers! Throughout the day, Breakthrough T1D Walk Volunteers helped set up the walk site, cheered on walkers along the route, volunteered at walk site tents, and so much more! We are so appreciative of our volunteer support and their passion for Breakthrough T1D. If you are interested in volunteering at a future event, please reach out to Ale Vargas at AVargas@BreakthroughT1d.org
Corporate Sponsors
Our sincere thanks go out to our corporate sponsors! Thank you for making this incredible day possible and walking for a cure for type 1.
Thank You
Check out all of our Kansas City and St. Louis Walk photos on Facebook! We hope to see you all at a 2025 Walk. For more information on Walk, please contact Rachael Wearsnman at rwearnsman@BreakthroughT1D.org.
Check out our Walk resources here.