Breakthrough T1D One Walk Team Rally – Great Lakes Bay Region!

June 10, 2017, Midland, MI
7:05 pm

Kick off the Breakthrough T1D One Walk – Great Lakes Bay Region by attending the Team Rally Kickoff event at Dow Diamond! This is a perfect opportunity to network with Breakthrough T1D staff, volunteers, and walk teams, and learn different ways to fundraise! We will also share the latest updates on Breakthrough T1D research and different advancements in treatments for type 1 diabetes. Purchase your Great Lakes Loons tickets today!

More Info

Or go to and logon using:

User ID: Breakthrough T1Dloons
Password:  Breakthrough T1D

Once you select your tickets from the group portal, you will be required to sign into your existing TicketReturn account or create a new account to complete your transaction.

See flyer for more info: Walk Rally Flyer


Dow Diamond

825 E Main Street
Midland, MI 48640

Event Contact

Sam PeLong
989-837-6136 |

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